Friday, February 4, 2011

Customer Experience Survey - SATISFIED

Customer Experience Survey - SATISFIED
(CopyRight 2011; Benjamin Goh)

Customer experience is what makes and break a company. How delighted is the customers' experience plays an essential part in all B2B or even B2C businesses! As such, it is essential to conduct Customer Experience Surveys regularly but effectively. The following attempts to serve as a guide ..SATISFIED!

S for Simplify the language in the survey.

A for Avoid abstract and open-ended questions. Ask direct questions and use quantitative terms.

T for Target and focus on one area at a time. Never ask more than one thing in any one question.

I for Identify trends. From the survey results, identify trends and look for differences by region and/or product.

S for Set key drivers. Analyze the key drivers by graphically plotting a graph with its importance to the customer's satisfaction (on the x-axis) and our performance in the area on the y-axis. This gives us 4 quandrants. The most important would be the lower left quadrant since the items plotted here will have high importance to the customers and where our performance in this area is low.

F for Feedback to customers. Expedite all necessary activities to ensure that customers are given feedback on the survey within a week the latest.

I for Identify what is really important to customers. From the Key Drivers analysis above, brainstorm on the important issues and assign appropriate resources to act on them immediately.

E for Emphasize top management commitment on areas where it has the greatest impact and improvement on customer satisfaction. Make it known to all staff.

D for Delight the customer. Set up a customer communication session (preferably face-to-face) regularly to advise them on actions taken and also gather more feedback accordingly. Ensure that all staff are adequately trained and equipped (make sure responsibility comes with authority) to manage these sessions.

There are many online research tools and the following are some examples:

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